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Submission - review of the Data Retention Scheme in the Telecommunications Amendment Act 2015

Lead of the Allens Hub stream on Data Protection and Surveillance, David Vaile, together with Hub intern Shavin Wijeyaratne, Hub member Genna Churches, and Hub fellow Monika Zalnieriute made a submission on the review of the data retention scheme in the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Act 2015.  

The submission touched on a number of issues, including the proportionality of the scheme, communications confidentiality, public interest, governance, oversight and transparency. It argues, in particular, that more critical scrutiny of the scheme is required including as to its effectiveness, its scope, and the extent to which it is understood by those affected. Finally, it points to international developments as providing a useful context for re-thinking the Australian scheme. 

Here is a copy of the submission