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Allens Hub members contribute to Sydney Commons Transition Plan

Stream lead Bronwen Morgan has been working with the Sydney Commons Lab to develop a commons transition plan which has now been formally submitted to the the Sustainable Sydney 2050 engagement and consultation process. 

The document has also been suggested as an idea for a citizen jury to consider as part of the ‘Have Your Say’ competition being run by the City of Sydney in association with its 2050 engagement strategy.   

Whilst the transition plan is a polished document, it is considered 'version one'.   The Commons Lab  a) plan to further interact and consult with stakeholder initiatives and b) work to establish a formal link between the Sydney City Council and the Sydney Commons Lab in relation to this. The ideal scenario is that a final version would incorporate both these hoped-for goals, and would result in a more formal ‘launch’ in early 2020.

The 25 Sydney based commons oriented initiatives that were consulted as a part of the transition plan are significantly contributing to a Sharing City, as per the vision outlined within the initial Sustainable Sydney 2050 consultations, where it was stated:

 “A future community that is socially connected and embraces a way of living that is about sharing of spaces, resources and knowledge was an ideal that many were excited about and was important for the future city.” (Astrolabe Group, 2019: 16)

The Commons Transition Plan has a focus on strategy directions for local government in enabling and supporting local commons-oriented initiatives, drawing on inspiring key international examples of ‘pro-commons’ infrastructure developed at local government level.

The plan is an ongoing work and Sydney Commons Lab is looking forward to further engaging and collaborating with the Sydney City Council to further identify potential opportunities for supporting and expanding the commons ecosystem.