Lunch at AI roundtable

Allens Hub leads AI Roundtables

The pace of technological advancement, particularly in the AI space, presents enormous opportunities for organisations. It also raises significant new practical, legal and ethical challenges, many of which require agile and innovative responses from in-house teams

As organisations begin to deploy AI tools and other algorithm-based automated decision-making processes, navigating the line between risk and reward has never been more complex or more necessary. This was the recent focus of roundtable discussions in Sydney and Melbourne, with Allens Hub Director Lyria Bennett Moses and Allens team of experts, including Partners Gavin Smith, Valeska Bloch, Andrew Wiseman and Simun Soljo.   Key issues addressed included:

  • collaboration and ownership;
  • recent developments in AI driven by data;
  • liability and regulation;
  • safe use and testing; and
  • lessons learned from financial services (including fintechs).